Here you will find Important guidelines and documents intended for NAEMS members. Some may contain treatment guidelines that may not be approved by your agency or your medical direction. Feel free to review and give feedback as needed. We need your input!
Statutes & Rules for BEMSTS
2016 AZ EMS Needs Assessment - ASENA
by Taylor A. George MHS, EMT-P
Summit Healthcare Treatment Guidelines 2016
STAB Guidance Documents 2010
These are Guidance Documents only. The Regions can still deviate as needed. Approved by STAB (State Trauma Advisory Board) in Jan-2010.
ADHS Triage Treatment & Transport guidelines
The Northern Arizona EMS Council provides this link to the January 2022 ADHS BEMS&TS Triage, Treatment, and Transport Guidelines for agencies with EMT’s without medical direction. These may be accessed by clicking on the link: