Northern Arizona
Emergency Medical Services
P.O. Box 2127
Flagstaff, AZ 86003-2127
Chair - Brian Smith
Vice Chair - Doug Niemynski
Secretary - Eileen Rafters
Treasurer - Chris Fennell
Director - Vince Martinez
Northern Arizona
Emergency Medical Services
P.O. Box 2127
Flagstaff, AZ 86003-2127

Here is the direct link to the ADHS website outlining the program:

Plus, the Naloxone Leave Behind training powerpoint recently approved is now posted on the ADHS website! It can be found here: under "Naloxone" in the bullhorn section. 

For now, access to order/receive ‘free’ Naloxone can be ordered through the ADHS Office of Injury Prevention.  Here is the link to the order form.

Under the Arizona First Responders Initiative, free Naloxone is currently provided to those First Responders recently participating in the Naloxone training or to replace Naloxone to those who had received the training over the past 4 years (either because of expiration of the Naloxone or the need for more).