Funding to build an EMS system was first made available in the late 1970’s from Federal Department of Transportation monies. Funding from this source was discontinued in 1983 due to Federal budget cuts. Starting in 1983 EMS systems funding was taken over by the state of Arizona. Projects paid for by this funding included provider contracts, poison control, ambulance development, regional coordination and special projects. These projects were overseen by ADHS under a contract from the Northern Arizona Council of Government (NACOG). In 1989 funding was cut, leaving EMS providers in northern Arizona without direction from a regional source.
At this time Northern Arizona Emergency Medical Services Inc. (NAEMS) was founded to assist providers in the development of a regional system. NAEMS started its work with no funding, volunteer work from EMS providers and northern area base hospitals, and the support of the regional ADHS/BEMS office. The goal was to continue improvement of the EMS system, help smaller providers, and have a unified voice at the state level. Today, NAEMS receives funding from ADHS to provide grants for education, equipment and supplies. NAEMS operates with a board of directors and a steering committee. Membership is open to all EMS agencies in the northern region having an interest in participating.
Organizational Structure
The Northern Regional Coordinating System is administrated by the Northern Area Emergency Medical Services Council (NAEMS). NAEMS is a 501 (c) 3 corporation. Bylaws define the work of the Council. NAEMS does not currently have a regional council office or employ a regional director for management of council operations. NAEMS does budget funding for management of its finances and for regional meeting management. It has relied on dedicated volunteers to support council operation needs.
The administrative structure includes the following elements:
- An elected voting board of five officers, (See Acknowledgements)
- A 32 member voting board of Directors
- A current non-voting general membership of 52
Not all of the agencies and hospitals in the region are members of NAEMS. Members pay $50.00 annually for prehospital and $100.00 for hospitals. The membership dues are used to support regional education and training funds. Hardship waivers are available to agencies that want to have membership but can not afford to pay the membership dues. NAEMS accepts applications for new membership at general meetings.
Advisory Groups
Advisory committees include:
- Steering Committee – funding recommendations on prehospital equipment
- Trauma Advisory Committee to NAEMS Board of Directors - trauma recommendations and suggestions for implementation of the regional plan through the NAEMS council
- Prehospital Treatment Guidelines Committee
- Objective 01.1 Recruit and retain active and visible executive board membersthat are representative of the continuum of EMS and Trauma care in the region.
- Objective 01.2 Obtain collaboration from northern region to incorporate trauma system into NAEMS focus.
- Tactic 1 In 2004 open dialogue on the need to have a comprehensive integrated regional focus.
- Tactic 2 In 2004-2005 identify funding streams for EMS and Trauma (state, local and other).
- Tactic 3 In 2004-2005 review bylaws and update to allow for representation from across the continuum of EMS and Trauma System care.
- Tactic 4 In 2004-2005 Solicit NAEMS membership by hospital administration across the region.
See the Northern Regional Plan Document for more info or e-mail